Monthly Digest is a resource provided by Security in Context that provides a list of recent publications, calls, conferences and other items relevant to the critical global, security, and international political economy studies audience. In addition to new items, our digest may contain relatively recent entries, so please double check dates on any calls or conferences. All descriptions taken from their original sources unless otherwise indicated. If we’ve missed something, or you have items you’d like to contribute for future digests, please email us at:
Empire, Incorporated
The Corporations That Built British Colonialism
Across four centuries, from Ireland to India, the Americas to Africa and Australia, British colonialism was above all the business of corporations. Corporations conceived, promoted, financed, and governed overseas expansion, making claims over territory and peoples while ensuring that British and colonial society were invested, quite literally, in their ventures. Colonial companies were also relentlessly controversial, frequently in debt, and prone to failure. The corporation was well-suited to overseas expansion not because it was an inevitable juggernaut but because, like empire itself, it was an elusive contradiction: public and private; person and society; subordinate and autonomous; centralized and diffuse; immortal and precarious; national and cosmopolitan—a legal fiction with very real power.
Breaking from traditional histories in which corporations take a supporting role by doing the dirty work of sovereign states in exchange for commercial monopolies, Philip Stern argues that corporations took the lead in global expansion and administration. Whether in sixteenth-century Ireland and North America or the Falklands in the early 1980s, corporations were key players. And, as Empire, Incorporated makes clear, venture colonialism did not cease with the end of empire. Its legacies continue to raise questions about corporate power that are just as relevant today as they were 400 years ago.
Challenging conventional wisdom about where power is held on a global scale, Stern complicates the supposedly firm distinction between private enterprise and the state, offering a new history of the British Empire, as well as a new history of the corporation.

Placing Islam
Geographies of Connection in Twentieth-Century Istanbul
A free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press’s Open Access publishing program. Visit to learn more.
For centuries, the Mosque of Eyüp Sultan has been one of Istanbul’s most important pilgrimage destinations, in large part because of the figure buried in the tomb at its center: Halid bin Zeyd Ebû Eyûb el-Ensârî, a Companion of the Prophet Muhammad. Timur Hammond argues here, however, that making a geography of Islam involves considerably more. Following practices of storytelling and building projects from the final years of the Ottoman Empire to the early 2010s, Placing Islam shows how different individuals and groups articulated connections among people, places, traditions, and histories to make a place that is paradoxically defined by both powerful continuities and dynamic relationships to the city and wider world. This book provides a rich account of urban religion in Istanbul, offering a key opportunity to reconsider how we understand the changing cultures of Islam in Turkey and beyond.

The Politics of Crisis-Making
Forced Displacement and Cultures of Assistance in Lebanon
Traditionally, humanitarianism is considered a nonpolitical urgent response to human suffering. However, this characterization ignores the politics that create and are created by the crises and the increasingly long-term dimension of relief.
In The Politics of Crisis-Making, by shedding light on how humanitarian practice becomes enmeshed with diverse forms of welfare and development, Estella Carpi exposes how the politics of defining crises affect the social identity and membership of the displaced. Her ethnographic research in Lebanon brings to light interactions among aid workers, government officials, internally displaced citizens, migrants, and refugees after the 2006 war in Beirut's southern suburbs and during the 2011-2013 arrival of refugees from Syria to the Akkar District (northern Lebanon). By documenting different cultures, modalities, and traditions of assistance, Carpi offers a full account of how the politics of crisis-making play out in Lebanon.
An important read, The Politics of Crisis-Making shows that it is not crisis per se, but rather the crisis as official discourse and management that are able to reshuffle societies, while engendering unequal political, moral, and nationality-based economies.

War on All Fronts
A Theory of Health Security Justice
An argument for the centrality of rights in health security, and how to apply ethical principles to protecting those rights during public health crises.
In recent years, efforts to respond to infectious diseases have been described in terms of national and global security, leading to the formation of the field of “health security.” In War on All Fronts, Nicholas G. Evans provides a novel theory of just health security and its relation to the practice of conventional public health. Using COVID-19 as a jumping-off point to examine wider issues, including how the US thinks about and prepares for pandemics, Evans shows the flaws in using the “war metaphor" and how any serious understanding of health security must square with human rights—even when a disease poses a threat to national security.
Evans asks what ethical principles justify declaring, and taking action during, a public health emergency such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The relevant principles, he argues, parallel those of the ethics of armed conflict. Just war theory, properly understood, begins with pacifism and a commitment to the right not to be killed and then steps back to ask under what limited conditions it is permissible to kill. In a similar way, a just health security must also begin with the idea that public health should hold human rights sacrosanct and then ask under what limited conditions other concerns might prevail. Evans's overall goal is to formulate a guide to action, particularly as the world deals with the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. Turning to the transition from war back to peace in public health, he looks at reparation, rebuilding, and the accountability of actors during the crisis.

The Human Consequences of Economic Sanctions
This paper provides a comprehensive survey and assessment of the literature on the effects of economic sanctions on living standards in target countries. We identify 32 studies that apply quantitative econometric and calibration methods to cross-country and national data in order to assess the impact of economic sanctions on indicators of human and economic development and human rights. Of these, 30 studies find that sanctions have negative effects on outcomes ranging from per capita income to poverty, inequality, mortality, and human rights. We also provide in-depth discussions of three sanctions episodes — Iran, Afghanistan, and Venezuela — that illustrate the channels through which sanctions damage living conditions in target countries. In the three cases, sanctions that restricted governments’ access to foreign exchange affected the ability of states to provide essential public goods and services and generated substantial negative spillovers on private sector and nongovernmental actors.
The use of economic sanctions by some of the world’s most important economies has significantly increased in recent decades. Their adoption is almost invariably framed in the context of attempts to deter or dissuade target governments and individuals from actions that purportedly would undermine global security, democracy, or human rights. While a considerable body of research has investigated the effectiveness of sanctions in achieving their intended objectives, much less effort has been devoted to understanding the implications of sanctions for persons living in target countries.
This paper reviews the current state of knowledge regarding the human consequences of economic sanctions. We discuss the effect of sanctions on socioeconomic conditions in target jurisdictions, including on the economy, poverty and distribution, health and nutrition, and human rights. We provide a systematic survey of the empirical literature using both cross-country panel and country-level data sets. We find a remarkable level of consensus across studies that sanctions have strongly negative and often long-lasting effects on the living conditions of most people in target countries.
We supplement this discussion with case studies that illustrate the channels through which sanctions have affected living conditions in three target states: Iran since 1979, Afghanistan since 1999, and Venezuela since 2017. These case studies help us to look more closely at the main channels through which sanctions affect the economy and living standards. They also illuminate why safeguard mechanisms, such as humanitarian exceptions, fail to offset these collateral effects.

Security Dilemma Sensibility And China
By Van Jackson
How to Disrupt Feedback Loops of War in Beijing and Washington
The professional bureaucracies of both the US and Chinese national security states encourage mistrust, jingoistic attitudes, pessimistic assumptions, and hawkish policies. This is a growing source of war risk, and the only near-term fix is a security dilemma sensibility.
Let me explain.
The Security Dilemma Sensibility
Some time ago, Kenneth Booth and Nicholas Wheeler wrote of a “security dilemma sensibility” that policymakers could (and should) cultivate in order to better manage the interactive processes that can lead to crisis and war, even between two actors who have only defensive intentions.
They described a security dilemma sensibility as:
“an actor’s intention and capacity to perceive the motives behind, and to show responsiveness towards, the potential complexity of the military intentions of others…the ability to understand the role that fear might play in their attitudes and behavior, including, crucially, the role that one’s own actions may play in provoking that fear.”
I first came across their book while finishing my PhD, which I did on the side while working in Obama’s Pentagon. Like (hopefully) everyone who studies international relations, I’d learned about the security dilemma as an undergrad. It made sense that non-aggressive countries could inadvertently make themselves less secure by taking measures that would be misperceived by others as threatening, leading to counter-measures also perceived as threatening.
But a security dilemma sensibility really resonated with me as a practical extension of the original concept. And so I found myself trying to bring this sensibility to bear over and again—on the “Korea desk” in the midst of two North Korean attacks on South Korea; among a small group of policy nerds trying to make the “pivot to Asia” real; as a one-time defense strategist contemplating “emerging technologies”; and as a public critic warning about the ways the
Trump-Kim nuclear crisis of 2017 could (and nearly did) go sideways.
My role in these things was inarguably negligible; with the exception of the North Korean nuclear crisis, none of the policy paths taken reflect my counsel. Nevertheless, the security dilemma sensibility strongly colored how I made sense of these wide-ranging problem sets.

Financialization and Militarization: An Empirical Investigation
By Pelin Akçagün-Narin and Adem Yavuz Elveren
Review of Radical Political Economics (RRPE)
Based on Arrighi, we empirically investigate whether financialization and militarization are mutually reinforcing phenomena in the United States. Military spending during the 1950–1960s in the United States counteracted the stagnation of the monopolistic stage of capitalism. Monopoly capital was transformed into finance monopoly capital as the intensity of financial capital increased during the late 1970s in response to stagnation. Considering alternative financialization variables and the profit rate in the financial sector, and using several parametric and nonparametric methods, we found a significant relationship between financialization and militarization in the United States for 1949–2019. The results suggest that the rise in financialization is parallel to the decline in the profit rates, leading to larger military expenditure in total, but with relatively smaller share in GDP.

Erdogan, a 21st century sultan, wins again
Written by Stephen Kinzer
The Turkish leader’s blend of populism, Islamism, and nationalism has kept him in power for 20 years. He has no incentive to change.
What’s the difference between a president and a sultan? Not much, if you live in today’s Turkey.
The country’s longtime president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has just been re-elected. He is likely to consolidate one-man rule to the point that he more resembles an Ottoman potentate than a democratic leader.
Autocrats are rising around the world, but Erdogan and his consolidation of power are especially important for two reasons. First, Turkey’s size, location, and geopolitical ambition make it one of the world’s most important regional powers. Second, Erdogan has designed a fiendishly effective political system that is a template for repressive rulers around the world.
“Democracy is like a streetcar,” Erdogan reasoned as his political career was beginning a quarter-century ago. “You take it to where you’re going, then you get off.” He has gotten off.

Call for Papers
Middle East Critique
US Imperialism from the Middle East to Latin America after the Cold War
The consolidation of US-led Imperialism has shaped the historical construction of Latin America and the Middle East as regions of the Third World/Global South. American interventionism during the Cold War to contain Soviet influence through coups against nationalist governments turned militaries into central political actors in countries such as Brazil and Egypt. After the Cold War, the War on Drugs in Latin America and the War on Terror in the Middle East took the place of Soviet communism as the biggest external threat to the US. These have enabled the expansion of US-led imperialism and the promotion of violent measures for the pacification of popular and insurgent movements in these regions.
‘Western racism operates transnationally through links between the Latino-Favela trafficker and the Arab-Muslim terrorist as omnipresent threats. These representations justify and legitimize US imperialist actions against national sovereignty in these regions. The US media has a central role in representing Latinx, Arab, and Muslim populations as menaces to national security and Western values. Numerous racist securitization tactics aim to contain immigration from these regions. Israeli and American arms and security companies are the ones who benefit most from building this fear. The export of Israeli border control technology to be used on the US-Mexico fence is a clear example. The Iran-Contra case demonstrates Israel’s long-lasting involvement in the sale of weapons and military training of counter-revolutionary forces in Latin America.
US imperialism also acts through the influence of the dollar, neoliberal economic doctrines, and international financial institutions. September 11, 1973, and 2001 were two paradigms for the coercive expansion of neoliberalism in Chile and Iraq, respectively. They are examples of what Naomi Klein called the “shock doctrine” that enabled the expansion of neoliberalism throughout the Global South. The US has encouraged foreign debt and austerity through the Fed, the IMF, think tanks, and universities, which has allowed Western capital to expropriate the markets and assets of countries in these regions. Neoliberal economic orthodoxy has kept Latin America and the Middle East underdeveloped and dependent on the export of primary goods. National elites and the bourgeoisie benefit from the ongoing underdevelopment and act transnationally to reproduce dependence, as previously pointed out by third-world Marxists such as Samir Amin, and Ruy Mauro Marini.
Informality and precariousness in labour and housing are central characteristics of everyday lives in Latin America and the Middle East beyond the neoliberal period. Still, the crisis of neoliberalism in 2007 led to major uprisings in many places, like the protests in Turkey and Brazil in 2013 and the Arab Spring movements. These upheavals are not yet over, as the most recent revolts against neoliberal authoritarianism in Lebanon, Iraq, Colombia, and Ecuador show. This precarious situation has also allowed connections between social movements in both regions, such as the action of the Via Campesina with the peasant populations from Mexico to Palestine.
The re-edition of South-South policies, such as the Summit of South American-Arab Countries (ASP) in the 2000s, is the fruit of long-standing relations of solidarity between leaders and the people of these regions. For example, Fidel Castro’s friendship with Gamal Abdel Nasser during the Tricontinental period helped spread the word about how important agrarian reform was for Third World countries. The creation of OPEC in 1960 has also been crucial in the approximations between nations on the continents in different ways. The friendship built on millionaire gifts and corruption cases between Brazilian Jair Bolsonaro and Saudi Mohamed Bin-Salman was part of Brazil's bid to join OPEC. On the other hand, U.S. sanctions on oil producers Venezuela and Iran brought Hugo Chavez and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad together in an anti-imperialist front.
Sanctions against nations considered enemies of Pax Americana, such as Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, and Syria, have not resulted in the overthrow of anti-US governments, but they have deepened poverty, suffering, and violence in the target countries. In addition, the sanctions have created the opportunity for the rise of an alternative economic and political order under China’s leadership. The normalization of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, mediated by China, meant the biggest geopolitical shift in the Middle East in the 21st century without the direct involvement of the US. China is also Latin America’s largest trading partner and has begun discussing the de-dollarization of its trade, as with Lula’s Brazil.
Bringing the Middle East and Latin America together through the concept of imperialism allows us to understand how US strategies and tactics operate similarly in the Third World/Global South, opening up the opportunity to strengthen transnational solidarity against US-led imperialism. It also allows a clearer conception of US political and economic dominance practices around the world, both historically and at present.
Topics of interest include:
- The links between the US-sponsored War on Terror and the War on Drugs.
- How racism works globally in representations of the populations of Latin America and the Middle East as threats.
- The arms trade and security connections between the regions, in particular, the role played by Israel.
- Securitization processes against immigrants and refugees from Latin America and the Middle East.
- The US sanctions and their economic and political consequences for the international order.
- The links between US-backed coups and the persistence of military involvement in politics.
- Neoliberal imperialism, debt, and austerity promotion of precariousness and the repression of uprisings against neoliberal authoritarian governments.
- Connections between the bourgeoisie and the elites for the reproduction of underdevelopment.
- Changes in class composition due to processes of deindustrialization.
- Connections between Marxist intellectuals who reflect on the situation of dependence and underdevelopment.
- The agrarian question, the movement of the peasants, the violence in the countryside, and the export of agricultural commodities.
- How the Third World movement in the Cold War influences contemporary forms of solidarity and resistance.
- Solidarity with the Palestinians and the transnational movement for boycott, disinvestment, and sanctions against Israel.
Submission Instructions
Interested authors should submit a 250-word abstract by email to the journal's Editor, Matteo Capasso, at and SI guest editor, Bruno Huberman, at
We aim for a special issue of 7-9 original articles, preceded by an introduction by the editors.
Selected authors are expected to submit an original article of 8000-9000 words.

Turkish 2023 Presidential Election Heads for a Run Off: Analysis and Implications
In this video, Executive Producer of the Security in Context Podcast Anita Fuentes interviews Professor Firat Demir about the 2023 Presidential Election in Turkey.
Firat Demir is a Professor of Economics at the University of Oklahoma (OK, USA). He received his B.A. from Bogazici University (Istanbul Turkey), and his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Notre Dame (IN, USA). Firat is also an affiliate faculty in the Department of International and Area Studies, the Center for Peace and Development and the Center for Social Justice at the University of Oklahoma. Firat is an associate editor of the Review of Social Economy and the Journal of Economic Surveys. His main fields of research are economic development and open economy macroeconomics focusing on the issues of economic globalization, structural change, South-South trade and finance, long run development and growth, and political economy of development.
For more please visit or follow us on Twitter @SecurityContext
Edited by Nick Bythrow
Graphics by Owen Neuburger

The Human Consequences of Sanctions: An Interview with Francisco Rodriguez
In this video, Executive Producer of the Security in Context Podcast Anita Fuentes interviews Professor Francisco Rodriguez.
Professor Francisco Rodriguez is a Rice Family Professor of the Practice of International and Public Affairs at the Joseph Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver. He has also taught economics and public policy at the University of Maryland, Wesleyan University, and the University of Notre Dame. Rodriguez has held positions in the public and private sector, including head of the Economic and Financial Advisory of the Venezuelan National Assembly (2000-2004), head of the Research Team of the United Nations’ Human Development Report Office (2008-2011) and chief Andean economist of Bank of America (2011-2016).
For more please visit or follow us on Twitter @SecurityContext
Edited by Nick Bythrow
Graphics by Owen Neuburger

Climate Crisis, Utopian Practice, and the Elemental City
Richard Widick, Noa Cykman and Somak Mukherjee speak on the work of the Environmental Justice and Climate Justice Studies research cluster.
On April 14th, the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies, directed by Prof. Paul Amar, hosted its second research cluster gathering, featuring presentations from our Environmental Justice and Climate Justice Studies research cluster. As the EJ/CJ cluster website says, it brings together scholars to engage with global drivers of environmental and climate crises and investigate their deep structures and histories. It produces critical knowledge at the intersection of the Humanities and Social Sciences, builds transformative knowledge networks that bridge academic, social movement, and policy domains, and actively intervenes publicly in each of these crucial zones of conflict.
The research produced by this cluster reflects our collaboration and shared thematic vision with the Security in Context network, and is also supported by the Paul Orfalea Endowment.
Speaking at this event was Dr. Richard Widick, visiting scholar at the Orfalea Center and visionary of the EJ/CJ research Hub and cluster; Noa Cykman (PhD student in Sociology) and Somal Mukherjee, (PhD student in the Department of English).

Job Openings
Lecturer in Politics
University of Sterling
The Division of History, Heritage and Politics wishes to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced Grade 7/8 Lecturer in Politics. The appointee will pursue a programme of research, including research outputs and funding applications, in the field of Scottish or UK politics and governance. We are open to different ways to approach this field, including to relate UK and devolved politics to comparative or multi-level analysis, and/ or a critical focus on gendered and racialized dimensions of politics. The appointee will be joining a team producing interdisciplinary research, which includes politics and policies related to human rights, justice, climate change, energy, security, resource conflict, health and sustainable development.
The appointee will contribute to our successful Masters Programmes - in International Conflict and Cooperation (ICC) or Master of Public Policy (MPP) – and BA programmes in Politics, as well as doctoral and dissertation supervision. An ability to coordinate and deliver the first undergraduate module - POLU9A1 People, Power, and the State: An Introduction to Politics - as well as design an advanced undergraduate and postgraduate module, is essential. The ability to teach qualitative or quantitative research methods is welcome. The appointee will also undertake administrative duties as prescribed by the Head of Division.
We seek to appoint to an open-ended contract from 01 September 2023.
Informal enquiries about the post can be made to Paul Cairney
Description of Duties
Grade 7
- Engage in individual and collaborative research, which aligns to the strategic direction of the University, develop a programme of research and disseminate results through regular publication in high impact journals, books and conference proceedings
- Identify appropriate sources of funding, prepare research proposals for funding bodies and manage grants awarded
- Supervise research students as required, providing direction, support and guidance
- Design and deliver a range of teaching and learning, supervision and assessment activities across undergraduate, postgraduate including online/digital programmes where required
- Participate in the Faculty’s international engagement activities as required e.g delivering teaching, contributing to joint programmes and recruitment of students
- Participate in, and develop, networks and collaborations both internally and externally to the Division/Faculty/University
- Participate in the administrative processes of the Division/Faculty/University including committee membership, quality assurance procedures and recruitment and admission of students
- Any other duties, commensurate with the grade of the post
Grade 8
- Engage in individual and collaborative research, which aligns to the strategic direction of the University, establish a distinctive programme of research and disseminate results through regular publication in high impact journals, books and conference proceedings
- Identify appropriate sources of funding, prepare research proposals for funding bodies and manage grants awarded
- Supervise research students and staff as required, providing direction, support and guidance
- Design, teach and assess a range of teaching and learning, supervision and assessment activities across undergraduate and postgraduate programmes including online/digital programmes where required
- Contribute to curriculum review and enhancement, in a manner that supports a research-led approach to student learning
- Participate in the Faculty’s international engagement activities as required e.g delivering teaching, contributing to joint programmes and recruitment of students
- Participate in, and develop, networks and collaborations both internally and externally to the Division/Faculty/University
- Participate in the administrative processes of the Division/Faculty/University including committee membership, quality assurance procedures and recruitment and admission of students
- Any other duties, commensurate with the grade of the post
Essential Criteria
Grade 7
- PhD in relevant discipline or close to successful completion
Knowledge, Skills & Experience
- Evidence of a developing publication record
- Credible plans for the active pursuit of external research funding
- Experience or knowledge to design, teach and assess modules in the subject area
- Evidence of the ability to deliver excellent teaching at undergraduate and/or postgraduate level
Grade 8
- PhD in relevant discipline
Knowledge, Skills & Experience
- Established track record of high quality published research
- A record of involvement in applications for external funding for research and/or knowledge transfer
- Experience of supervising dissertation projects across the range of undergraduate/ postgraduate and of supervising doctoral students
- Experience of providing high quality teaching across a range of programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate level preferably including online/digital programmes
- Experience of designing and delivering course modules
- Evidence of successful co-ordination, support, supervision, management and/or mentoring of others

Illinois College, History, Philosophy, Political Science & Religion: College Archivist and Curator of Special Collections
Illinois College invites applications for the position of Archivist and Curator. The primary responsibilities of this position include: managing the resources of the Khalaf al Habtoor Archives, the Paul Findley Congressional Office Museum, and other special collections; working closely with students and faculty to provide meaningful research and internship opportunities; and liaising with the local community as both the City of Jacksonville and Illinois College prepare for their respective bicentennial celebrations (2025 for Jacksonville, and 2029 for the College). The Archives resides in a spacious state-of-the-art location in the Schewe Library on the Illinois College campus and contains documents and artifacts related to the history of the College and Jacksonville. This position is a full-time administrative appointment with faculty status.
This position entails an educational function both on campus and beyond, as well as ensuring best practices in materials preservation, management, display, and dissemination. This position is responsible for organizing frequent public events. The Archivist and Curator interacts with students as teacher, research mentor, and work supervisor. As a member of the Schewe Library team, the Archivist and Curator partners with Library staff on programming and planning.
This position requires a master's degree in an appropriate field (Library and Information Science, Public History, or Archival Studies) and knowledge of best practices in materials management and preservation. Strong preference for direct experience working with the public and for experience with archival collection management software and digitization. For more information please see
Since 1829, Illinois College has transformed the lives of undergraduate students. The College is focused on student success and provides many opportunities for faculty-study interaction beyond the classroom, including collaborative research projects, international study-travel, and mentoring/advising. The College is committed to ensuring access and equity. The College develops in its students qualities of mind and character needed for fulfilling lives of leadership and service. The College is located in historic Jacksonville, Illinois 30 minutes west of the capital city of Springfield and 90 minutes north of St. Louis, Missouri.
Applicants should submit the following materials in PDF format.
- Letter of application
- C.V.
- A statement of educational philosophy that includes discussion of working with diverse constituencies
- Contact information for three references and/ or three letters of reference
Review of applications will begin June 15, 2023 and will continue until the position is filled.
Illinois College is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages applications from underrepresented minorities and women.

Full-time Media Studies Visiting Faculty Position at Bennington College
Bennington College
Job Type: | Full time
Location: Bennington, Vermont, United States
Bennington College seeks a visiting faculty member for a one-year full-time teaching position in media studies, beginning Fall 2023. The ideal candidate's work will be a balance of theory and practice, with a focus within one or more of the following: global media industries, race and technology, Black studies, environmental media studies, film theory and aesthetics, affect theory, social media and network culture, or interactive media theory and design. Candidates for this position should have an established record of publication and/or production and teaching at the intersection of media theory, history, culture, and technology. Preference will be given to candidates with a Ph.D. in Media Studies or related fields, or MFA in Design, Visual Communication, or related fields.
The successful applicant will teach four courses in the academic year and demonstrate a commitment to implementing a curriculum that invites the participation of students with a broad range of interests. Bennington College is a small residential liberal arts college in southern Vermont, long distinguished for its progressive approach to higher education. The College was founded in 1932 on the principle of active engagement in learning, which is manifest in individualized plans of study developed by students together with faculty. Bennington's open curricular structures facilitate innovative teaching across traditional disciplinary boundaries, and small class sizes enable student-centered and engaged learning within the classroom. Candidates that can demonstrate excellence in teaching are especially encouraged to apply.
Bennington serves a student population inclusive of members of ethnically/racially diverse, international, LGBTQIA+, and disability communities as well as diverse gender identities, socioeconomic backgrounds, religions, and political beliefs. Our staff and faculty also reflect diverse and intersecting backgrounds and identities. All employees are expected to be respectful and responsive to these differences in the service of building community that promotes student and employee success. Each individual (faculty, staff and student) will be accountable for upholding these values. The College's approach to pluralism and inclusivity—both as fields of inquiry and practice—is to prioritize flexible thought, and to invite the examination of access, value, power, and privilege through its institutional policies and areas of study. We encourage applications from women and/or candidates from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds and diverse realms of interest and experience to apply.
Candidates should apply online by submitting the following: a) a cover letter; b) a curriculum vitae including names and contact information of three professional references; c) a teaching statement, including pedagogical approaches to anti-racism, equity, and inclusion; and d) examples of recent relevant professional work. Review of applications is ongoing, with preference being given to applicants submitting materials before June 30th, 2023. Visa sponsorship is not available for this position. This position requires the successful completion and acceptable results of a background check.
To apply, please visit

MITES (MIT Introduction to Technology, Engineering, and Science) – Multiple Instructor Positions
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA
We’re seeking graduate students and working professionals who are energetic, thoughtful, and interested in supporting efforts to make STEM fields more diverse, inclusive, and equitable. MITES boasts a 45+ year history of providing engaging and rigorous science and engineering education enrichment for middle and high school students from our local community and across the country. Our mission focuses on making science, engineering and technology careers more accessible to students from under-served and underrepresented communities.
We are hiring nearly year round and currently seeking applicants for our MITES Semester and MITES Summer programs. We offer both remote and in-person roles that vary in time commitment.
Highlighted Positions:
- MITES Summer Humanities Instructor (Course: Identity and the Art of Protest & The Ethics of Science and Technology)
- $30/hr
- Part-Time (In-person, ~24 hours per week)
- Mid-June through July
- MITES Semester Science Writing and Communication Instructor
- $30/hr
- Part-Time (Remote): ~10-18 hours per week
- June through September
MIT is an equal-opportunity employer. We value diversity and strongly encourage applications from individuals from all identities and backgrounds. All qualified applicants will receive equitable consideration for employment based on their experience and qualifications, and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, ancestry, or national or ethnic origin. MIT’s full policy on Nondiscrimination can be found at

The Un-Diplomatic Podcast
Global power politics, for the people. Hosted by Van Jackson, Kate Kizer, and Hunter Marston.
Global power politics, for the people. The Un-Diplomatic Podcast is a show about foreign policy and progressive politics, but also a lot of other stuff, including international relations theory, hip-hop, and pop culture, roughly in that order.
When the show first launched in 2019, we were basically about offering candid, undiplomatic takes on "national security." By being irreverent (ok, foul-mouthed), we were doing our bit to democratize foreign policy discussions. While we remain as undiplomatic as ever, we've grown over time to become a de facto conscience of power everywhere, especially in Washington.
A fan of the show once described us as the "earnest left." We like it. We cater to Millennials and Generation Z especially. As far as I know, we're the only anti-war, anti-militarist foreign policy channel by and for the younger generations.