Call for Submissions

A round table discussion organized by the Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS) Beirut School of Critical Security Studies working group and Security in Context

The closing down of borders to international travel has been one of the most dramatic transformations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Pew Research Center, in early April 2020, 7.1 billion people or over 90% of the global population lived in countries with restrictions on non-citizen entry, and of those around 3 billion live incountries completely closed to noncitizens or nonresidents. In the last few decades and driven by global capitalism, securitization of borders was employed by states to project their ability to protect identities, culture andsocieties, while lifting barriers to the unfettered flow of capital and failing to invest sufficiently in public and socially useful infrastructure. Wendy Brown argues that states have resorted to borders and walls in order to project a stark and theatrical image of ‘failing’ state sovereignty (Brown 2010).
Critical scholars of borders have advanced our understanding of borders in several other ways. First, since the rise of the modern nation-state borders are not and have never been simple fixed lines that separate states but are better understood as zones whose role is contested and constantly being re-constituted, or in the words of Mark Salter (2012) “borders are given meaning through practice”. Second, the border is not just ‘out there’ and far away from the core issues or only relevant for those trying to traverse them such as workers, migrants, refugees. Rather borders as peripheral areas are also important to understanding the dynamics of the core. In other words, studying borders tells us not just about border regions, but also the central states, and more broadly the entire international system. In that sense they also inform us on struggles along gender, class,race, ethnic, status dimensions alongside citizenship lines (Özgen 2008). Third,studying border regions can help us rethink, critique and counter dominant narratives or commonsense understandings of ‘state failure’, ‘weakness’ or ‘absence’ so prevalent particularly in the study of developing country borders (Mouawad 2018; Mouawad and Baumann 2017).

In this round table, we invite critical scholars of borders to reflect on the question of borders and the state in light of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic response.  Some questions our authors will reflect on include:
·        How can historical and critical readings of borders help us understand the current moment?
·        In what ways does your own research help us understand the importance of borders to understanding broader political, economic, or sociological processes or questions?
·         What does the shutting down of borders imply for millions of workers, migrants and refugees who rely on border crossings for their survival?
·        Can this moment be an opportunity for a paradigm shift in our understanding of related issues such as the state, international capital, as well as global solidarity and the struggle for justice?
Please send submissions of about 2000-2500 word articles in English or Arabic to by August 15th, 2020. The submissions will be reviewed for publication by the project team. Authors of papers selected for publication will receive a modest honorarium.
For any questions or clarifications, please contact:

دعوة لاستكتاب مقالات قصيرة

في هذه الحلقة النقاشية، ندعو الباحثين/ات في الدراسات النقدية للحدود إلى التفكير في مسألة الحدود في ضوء الاستجابة لجائحة سارس –كوف-2، التي تسببت بوباء الكورونا، وتتضمن بعض الأسئلة التي سيَعكف المتحدثون على دراستها ما يأتي:
 كيف تساعدنا القراءات التاريخيةوالنقدية للحدود في فهم المرحلة الراهنة؟

 كيف تساعدنا أبحاثك في إدراك أهمية الحدود لفهم العمليات أو المسائل السياسية أو الاقتصادية أو الاجتماعية الأوسع نطاقًا؟

 ماذا يعني إغلاق الحدود بالنسبة إلى ملايين العمال والمهاجرين واللاجئين الذين يعتمدون على المعابر الحدودية من أجل البقاءعلى قيد الحياة؟

 هل يمكن أن تُشكّل هذه اللحظةالراهنة فرصةً لتغيير نموذج فهمنا للقضايا ذات الصلة مثل الدولة، ورأس المال الدولي، فضلًا عن التضامن العالمي والنضال من أجل العدالة؟
يرجى إرسال مقالاتكم ، على ألا تتجاوز 2500 كلمةبالعربية او الإنجليزية، إلى البريد الإلكتروني التالي
العنوان: كوفيد والحدود.
اخر موعد للتقديم : 15 اب 2020
ستتم مراجعة المقالات المُرسلة من قبل هيئة تحرير الموقع، وفي حال الموافقة على النشر سيحصل كُتاب المقالات المنشورة على تعويضٍ رمزي .  يرجى ارسال اي استفسارات إلى البريد الإلكتروني التالي
Works Cited:
Brown,W. (2010). Walled states, waning sovereignty. MIT Press: Cambridge.
Mouawad,J. (2018). Lebanon’s Wadi Khaled on the border with Syria: Economictransformations in times of peace and war. Critique internationale, (3),67-88.
Mouawad, J., & Baumann, H.(2017). Wayn al-Dawla? Locating the Lebanese State in Social Theory. Arabstudies journal, 25(1), 66-90.
Özgen, H. N. (2008). The ideologyof selective forgetting: how a political massacre is remembered in Turkey:the'33 Bullets Incident'.
Salter,M. B. (2012). Theory of the: The suture and critical border studies. Geopolitics,17(4), 734-755.

Article or Event Link
Oct 16, 2020
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