

Borders Roundtable: Sneaking through holes to forbidden paradise in the age of COVID-19

Palestinian workers, dependent on crossing into Israel for work, have faced new challenges amid COVID19.

Borders Roundtable: Policing the Virus: Race, Risk, and the Politics of Containment in Morocco and the United States

From Morocco to the United States, existing physical, social, legal, and economic barriers are compounded by the virus.

Diplomacy of Masks: China and the Crisis of Populism in South America

Paul Amar explores China's role in South American politics and development in light of COVID19, focusing on how the country leverages right and left leaning policies in the region to aid in its extractive model of cooperation.

Forum: Militarization 2.0: Communication and the Normalization of Political Violence in the Digital Age

A collection of essays from various authors explores how new information and communication technologies normalize the use of military force through militarization.

Topologies of Security Workshop Keynote Address

The following keynote was delivered by Professor Samer Abboud in "Topologies of Security: Critical Security Studies in postcolonial and postsocialist scenes" a workshop organized at the Justus Liebig University Giessen on June 25th and 26th by Professors Andreas Langenohl, Dr. Philipp Lotholtz, Amina Nolte, and Dr. Andrew Dwyer.

A Not-So Modest Proposal to Nationalize the Defense Industry

A case for a decentralized US defense industry as a means to democratize foreign policy.

The Defense Industry's Role in Militarizing US Foreign Policy

How the defense industry's endless quest for profit is a direct diver of endless warfare and militarization.

Watching television while forcibly displaced: Syrian refugees as participant audiences

This article explores how Syrian refugees and internally displaced people are using social media to reshape interpretations of their own status through their engagement with quality TV texts that tackle the refugee crisis.